Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tribal Tattoo For You.5

Tribal Tattoo For You.4

Tribal Tattoo For You.3

Qual a melhor época para se tatuar

Não é recente a discução sobre qual é a melhor altura do ano para tatuar-se. Há quem defenda que é o inverno e quem prefira tatuar-se no verão, ainda os que acham que é indiferente e o que vale mesmo é uma boa tattoo.

Confira abaixo a opinião dos 246 leitores que participaram desta enquete.

Prefere tatuar no:

Indiferente: 84 votos (34%)
Inverno: 84 votos (34%)
Verão: 78 votos (31%)

I Just Wonder If You Want People to Like You a Little Too Much

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(H&M Denim Shirt, Zara Shirt, Vintage Leather Shorts, Crossroad Ring, Shotwell Double Ring, Alice + Olivia for Payless Boots)

A rhetorical question that I ask myself sometimes..

Douglas, estúdio Tattoo Art em Santos

Boa noite, parabéns pelo site! Gostaria de inscrever meu namorado para divulgação de seus trabalhos, pois ele é um excelente desenhista e maravilhoso tatuador... Então seguem as fotos e desenhos.

Tatuador: Douglas
Cidade: Santos (SP)
Estúdio: Tattoo Art
Endereço: Rua João Pessoa, Nº. 154 – Alto – Centro de Santos
Telefone: (13) 3224.6789

Claudia Valente, Carpa na perna, 180

"Esta é minha quarta tatuagem de um total de 5 (por enquanto!)
Estou pensando em fazer mais... é um vicio!!!

Foi feita por Célio - Studio em Itaboraí

Claudia Valente

Cássia Marques, Rosas em Homenagem, 179

"Oi, bom dia pessoal!!!

Bom, minha mãe passa já há mais de 10 anos por problemas psiquiatricos. Com 15 anos tatuei o nome de meu pai que aliás amo muito. Quando fiz 18 anos decidi fazer um par de asa de borboleta nas costas e pensei em escrever o nome da minha mãe, mas por consideração, pois a família achava errado o que havia feito para meu pai e pra ela não.

Foi quando em um momento de lucides, minha mãe pediu que fizesse algo que pudesse lembrar dela com carinho, sem rancor nenhum, e apartir dali olhasse pra aquela tatuagem e lembrasse de como ela era doce também e vivamos bem na maior parte tempo, quando estava cuidado de suas flores. Ela pediu que eu fizesse algumas rosas. Não fiz as asas mas e vi o quanto a amo e que ela me ama também, mesmo que não tenha conciência na maior parte do tempo. Ela é uma parte de mim muito especial e só posso dizer que estou ficando cada dia mais feliz, pois ela esta melhorando e a cada dia que passa temos uma novidade de que ela está vivendo melhor, convivemos com esses resultados vendo ela em casa sem crise e até saindo dos remedios.

Não entendo o que fez ela me pedir para fazer esse desenho mas foi o que nos aproximou e dai indiante a fez melhorar. Só tenho a agradecer.

Valeu pessoal.

Estudio: Vendetta Tattoo
Tatuador: Cristiano"

Cássia Marques

Novos trabalhos de Sergio Bensdorp

Sergio Bensdorp Junior tatuador de Marilia, São Paulo em sua quarta participação no A Tattoo.

Tatuador: Sergio Bensdorp Junior
Estúdio: Fantasy Tattoo
Endereço: Rua 9 de Julho nº 1576 Centro
Cidade: Marilia, SP
Fone: (14)4101-0351 Cel:(14) 8119-3438
Orkut: Sergio Fantasy Tattoo

Marcelo Wsolek, Tiamat, 178

"Boa tarde!!!
Estava navegando em seu site e verifiquei a solicitação para encaminhar as fotos do Tiamat da caverna do dragão.

Seguem as fotos que não ficaram muito boas, pois trata-se de uma câmera de celular. Sou de Curitiba, e espero ter contribuído para solicitação.

Tatuada na praia da Ferrugem - Garopaba - Sc, em fevereiro de 2001 por Dé Tattoo - Porto Alegre."

Marcelo Wsolek

Participe também do quadro Minha Tattoo.

zaBigFatSnoop: H&M

What's on in H&M? I can see now that some of the sping/summer '10 pieces are in store. New t-shirts and cardis, jackets and blazers, as well as some jeans and shirts.

Some items that I happened to check include this cardigan which I wrote in this blog before. Though the color is not the one that I hoped for (they supposed to have red and blue), but it's kinda interesting to see what new trend is gonna be - the perforated. The fabric is organic cotton, and that's why the green color of the cardi is not that outstanding and appear somewhat bland. But the fit is nonetheless quite good. I think this one will be breathable coz the perforated is always great for summer wear.

Oooh, I always love denim shirts. And this one took it to another edge with the holes on some part of the shirt. I'd say it's a cowboy-meet-high fashion. Or probably D&G look? Ahaks! The fabric - love it, quite a heavy yarn. The fit is very slim. But damn... if I want something, there's never in my size (this one is XS!)

Another 'oooh' - the asymmetric biker jacket. This look like leather, but instead it's just a pleather. Or at Uniqlo, they call it neo-leather. (In science we call it polyurethane, lol). This one has the Marlon Brando feel to it, and the texture is given a lil' crease making it look more rugged. Btw, I'm not that stoked with the 'band' on the bottom which I think can slip my belt through it. Whassup with that?

The knitted tee which is featured in the SS'10 ad campaign. I love the overall feel, very slim fit and hugs the body well esp on the sleeves. The fabric is quite chunky though. But the price is so dead cheap, less than a tenner! :)

Behind The Scene Lady Gaga & Beyonce "Telephone"

This is the picture Lady Gaga & Beyonce makin they music video "Telephone".
My best friends Sandro (his the no1 Lady Gaga fans in Indonesia :) ) said, Video Telephone adalah kelanjutan dari video / sequel dari Paparazi. Bisa temen-teman ingat, kalau di Paparazi Lady Gaga terakhirnya di penjara, dan di video klip Telephone ini ceritanya Beyonce akan menyelamatkan Lady Gaga yang terkurung di dalam penjara. It's more Action yoo!
i'm so excited...!!

Weekend Blues

Ooh, what a weekend. Waking up in the morning suddenly I felt so damn cold. Is it snowing again? Probably is. When I took a peek on what's outside the house, oh I'm not wrong at all. There's been a thin sleet covering up the street. Though the weather kinda nice, with very great blue sky, the temperature though drop to somewhat almost zero. Brrrr.... so damn freezing! Dunno whether it gonna start to be a big chill, after the previous weeks London's being put into a big freeze.

So. What am I doing during the weekend? This time around I wanna do something different, by playing tourist again. And taking me into another kind of shopping adventure. Sports. Football, to be precise. Being in London, or UK in general, it's a total shame not to follow any football match. Though my team is always the Red Devil, but I can't help enjoying great match on ITV1 every now and then. That's all I can do anyway - stuck on the tele - coz to get a ticket to the stadium... man, that's so damn hard! I do play sports. I'm not a football player though, coz I'm not that good with the leg thing. I'm more to hand sports. (No dirty thoughts okay, LOL!!). Hockey when I'm 14, basketball during my 15 and handball, a short time when I'm in college (which ended me up with twisted ankle!). My personal fav is deff basketball, coz I love doing all those dunk. My mate here asked me the other day if I wanna play. But man, I just don't have the time nowadays. Still, I think those who don't play sports is a sore loo-hoo-ser!

Which stadium am I this time? The Chelsea FC in Stamford Bridge - home to the Blues. Home to the great players like Drogba, Ballack, Cole (A & J), Lampard and Terry. It's not a match day last weekend, so the stadium is pretty empty. I'm quite surprise to be honest to see the stadium from the outside, coz it's not really as splendid-looking like Emirates near my house, or Man United at Old Trafford. Yet, it has it's own charm - esp a wall which is quite unique called the Shed End.

Anyway, the shopping part is the best too. Going to Chelsea FC Megastore is fun. Anything that you want from the Blues. The home and away kit (hmmm..sound like the TV show, ahaks!), keyrings, mugs, car sticker or even home thingy like pillows and bedsheets. I overheard this little girl talking to her dad 'Can I get those sheets please'... which I'm found quite funny. Oh, since the team is sponsored by Adidas and Samsung, you can definitely find the brand there too - from the Adidas Chelsea shirts bearing the name of Lampard and Drogba, to Samsung mp3 player and N310 netbook!? Some shirts (or shall I say football tee) are on sale at massive reduction. Think I wanna go back for a second time soon to get some of those to my bros and nephews. Ehehe.. :)

you can sit beside Lampard to get your pix taken

Ashley Cole

The Wall of Fame at the Shed End

I just got some keyrings...

I beg to get this drawstring bag for free...

Oh I don't buy this. It's just that Chelsea is sponsored by Samsung & Adidas
- which happened to be the products that I used. :)