Monday, November 10, 2008

Louis Vuitton Tadao...Could it be MINE?

The gloomy blustery showers somehow started to clear up yesterday. I took the chance to do my usual tourist stroll - this time at the City area (that's London financial district for you lot). My intention? To visit the Leadenhall Market, where the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was filmed long, long time ago.

On my way back, I passed by the Royal Exchange shopping lot (it was closed by the way), where the City boys and girls splash their cash upon afternoon break. And voila! There it is... my dreamy fav Louis Vuitton store, tuck neatly at one corner. But what delighted me the most is the one at it's window pane. LV Damier Graphite Tadao tote bag. Magnifico. Gorgeous.

My mind started to ponder. Could it be mine one day? Yet, the biggest question to date - could I afford it? ( don't wanna buy anything that can feed a third world country!)

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