Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blabberiffic: iPod... I Do!

I'm drooling to get one of those. And I did. Now I'm a proud owner of the new iPod Touch!

A day after I wrote that I'm thinking of getting one and taking advantage of pound sterling plummetting to the lowest low, I head down to Apple Superstore at Regent Street. There it was, shiny shimmery iPod Touch on the display table. The desire just can't be controlled. But... wait a minute. My mind suddenly ticked. I can't just buy it without comparing the prices. Where can I checked the price of other store, my mind just wondered.

But hey! It's Apple Store, dude. With the wireless connection available in store, I picked on of those Touch on display and voila... suddenly I'm online. Checking here and there, at John Lewis, Currys and Comet. Which one's better? Hmm.. at last everyone just offering the same price. Finally, I made up my mind. Apple Superstore it is. Eventhough just one pound pricier, at least I could get one of those Apple bag!

So, after almost a week with Touch, my verdict? Amazing. What a great gadget.

  • The flip of one pages to the other is uncomparable! The scrolling from top to bottom of pages is so damn flawless. And pretty quick too.
  • I have to say I love the calendar feature. With the alarm, I really help a lot. Now my life is so much manageable (I think..).
  • The App Store is superb. With the choice of gazillion applications, paid or free, iPod is really making other PDAs run out of their money. Now I can read the iQuran with the flick of a finger! And plays Solitaire.. and Hangman.. and learn Arabic.
  • Video playback is great. Now I can watch the video podcast anywhere. No need to go to that UCL Lunch Hour free lecture anymore!
  • Look ma, I can surf the web! Plus there's YouTube, Map and Mail icon waiting to be poked. (Provided I'm in the Wifi spot)
  • The music playback... oh so much better with volume rocker and the speaker on. No need to plug in the earfone anymore. (Hmm.. talking 'bout annoying the Tube commuters..)
  • The best of all.. it's super skinny compared to iPhone!

The only drawback? It's not smudge-free. Damn fingerprint-philic. That's why I'm currently slipping it inside the Giorgio Armani mini pouch (of my Samsung Armani). What more designer can I say.

Me and my iPod. Match made in Apple Store. I do...

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