Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Etc... Etc... Tired... Room... Sleep...

Tired. So tired. When life's on the road most of the times, driving here and there for more than half of the day everyday... it's kinda draining. Energy drained. Knackered at times. All I can ask for is a great night sleep. A full 8 hours of sleep that nobody can disturb. Not even the dog barking next door. Or some chicken crowing sounding from a neighbour's coop. Or the birds tweeting on the trees nearby. I wanna sleep. And it helps if the room looks like this. Big bed, lots of pillows and warm lighting from bedside table lamps. This head would sink peacefully in dreams while the body rested in a great nite slumber. Yes, peaceful...
I just wish this room is mine. Oh, wait a minute - it is! This is mine indeed. So, peace out.... I'm going to bed.....

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