Friday, January 28, 2011

Fashion Week Style: That's How You Db It

Db jackets are very classic, yet not many can pull it off very well. Chances that you're going off the rail in term of style is very high if you're not careful or you might end up looking like the bouncer outside a club or a casino with an oversized jackets that tends to make you look like a sack. Nowadays, a classic db jacket has evolved - with many different cuts or even having various number of buttons and their positioning on the torso that make up the 'double-breasted' look - making it much more modern and contemporary, in line with our taste of not too inclined with what our forefathers used to wear.

If you happen to have a stroll in the street of Milan or Florence, chances that you gonna see some gentlemen who rock in db jackets to the max. The Italians always know how to do it so well when it comes to fashion. It's the way how the jacket is cut to contour the silhouette of their body, and also how it finishes just about right on the thigh - by which from my own 'calculation' after trying some of the great db jackets there, is about a palm's length from the hip (the 'measurement' might differ from one's pov to another, btw). And as usual, their rule of thumb of buying a suit jacket - always try the tightest that your body can take, but get one size bigger than the former. That way, you'll rock the look, absolutely!

Some of the db jackets seen out there during Pitti Uomo in Florence and Milan Fashion Week FW11. What can I say, they know how to db it!

[pix from gq style]

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