Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rick Owen Cargobasket Boots

For those who wanna feel a bit grunge and avant garde, Rick Owen collections is one of the go-to designer. And that include his footwear range which is synonymous with the towering high boots and sneakers, that equally rivalled Ann Demeulemeester. One of the shoes in his label include this boots, which is called Cargobasket, appears to be so very edgy hi-top sneakers for the brave among you.

I love the high form factor of this boots which goes up there to midcalves. There're side zippers to ease you wearing the boots; coz you know, who would wanna mess with the laces anyway. The laces that end towards the end which function to tighten the shoes, together with the padded upper neck adds to the cool feature of this boots. And of course, the sawblade undersoles that help to hold your grip when you walk down the slippery street.

So, care to stomp the pavement in your autumn/winter with this Cargobasket? I know, I will for sure (though there's no autumn/winter in here anyway...!)

[pix from oki-ni]

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