So, Mr. Hare shoe collection for Topman hits the store today. I bet all the shoeholic and Topman fans are queuing outside their store at Oxford Circus, hoping to get their hands on those gorgeous pairs of footwear from one of London's best shoe designer. And fyi, you can also bought it online.
No doubts the shoes are fantastic. They look amazing, not to mention the price is well worth it. You'd never find that kind of price tag if you look for Mr. Hare's shoes since mostly are well above £200!
One thing that always doubt me when a shoe price is brought down to the highstreet level is the compromise with the material being used. Though Marc Hare himself assured the quality is no comparison, but you can't fool me mister. And I am damn right, coz when I look at the lining, now I know why the price is less than £100 a pair.
It's the pigskin lining! No wonder the shoes are cheap! And most Topman shoes are in fact lined with pigskin. Though you can fool people on its facade - inside, it's a different story after all. Pigskin, I have one word : eeww...!!!
I think I have to revert my comment on their Facebook fan page! (Oh, yes..I've already did!)

[pix from topman]
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