Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Spirit of Baba & Nyonya

I was in the elevator, on my way down from my room when a Chinese family of three walk in from another floor. I was astonished to see how beautiful they dress. Being me who can't keep it to myself, I said to them "you guys looks so gorgeous!"

Upon happily saying 'thank you' to me, I asked them again, "can I take a photo of all of you coz it's just gorgeous!". Surprisingly they're not hesitant at all... and start posing!

Aren't they look amazing? This is what the spirit of 1Malaysia is all about. Irregardless of what races you are - you can rock in any outfit of the races in this country. And this Nyonya kebaya is just phenomenal! Even the dad looks good in Batik shirt! :)

p/s: I only have my iPhone to blog coz the broadband in the room is not cheap. That's why the pix also looks grainy...huhu..

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