Friday, December 26, 2008


It's 26th of December! Meaning... It's Boxing Day! SALE!!

Oh my God, loads and loads of people at Oxford Street today! Not contempt with the economic downturn, almost 1 million people crammed London West End to begin their anticipated Winter Sale, especially the one from Selfridges. Other than Harrods, Selfridges Sale is the one to look for finding great bargains. Anything from Gucci and Prada footwears, Dolce and Gabbana bags, Dunhill briefcase, Mulberry luggage and Louis Vuittons.. it's really a haven for the bargain hunters. It is estimated almost more than 10,000 people are in Selfridges this morning alone searching and snapping the offers. Most prices are slashed 50% like shoes and bags. No wonder there's massive queue at the Gucci, Prada and Chanel booths.

Not just that, Debenhams and House of Fraser also started their winter sale. Prices are slashed down up to 70% from shirts, tees, undies and even perfumes. Crowds are nightmare. To enter the mall is one problem, to pay is another. Expect the queue being like a snake being beaten up!

Other stores that also begin their sale are Zara, Topman, Burton, River Island and many more.

Sale, Sale, Sale!! Shop when their drop!

P/S: Waiting for Harrods Sale to start tomorrow. As their ad says - There's only one Harrods, There's only one sale....

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