Friday, December 5, 2008

Kulture 2 Couture: Amir's Costume Design.

This is probably gonna be the first public viewing. After getting the greenlight then I' happy to show a costume designed by my friend, Amir. Very couture, very flowy look, flora n fauna interconnected, fused into edgy look. There are 2 different look of the same costume - before(left) and after (right). While I am more towards funky, the left one is edgier coz it look very McQueen or Galliano; while the right one more on 'cover-the-modesty' look (not if the sarong is not worn with it!). But whatever it is, I think both are brilliant! The wavy dark lime green fabric look stunning.

This lad of London College of Fashion grad can take the future couture by storm. Come to London, Amir.. and take over the world! Or perhaps, we can help continue my mum's andaman business! (And don't forget your signature logo...)

Hail to the designers!

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