Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Londonpaper Style: The 2 Cs

The color trend of the season - cobalt blue and camel. Those two dominate most in the previous SS'09 catwalk scene, both in men and womenswear. And GQ in March issue also stated that these color would deffo be the cool ones this season (READ: This season, coz it's already Spring/Summer!)

Yet, one thing for caution: Combine it together. I still cannot compute why. Probably the electrifying blue could be soften with the cool camel. Talking about opposite attract, indeed.

Btw, am I ready for those colors? Bet I did. I have that Mango cobalt blue bag, plus the camel cardi that I bought long long time ago. And also, my skinnies in tan. Can't wait to shock the street soon!

(The Londonpaper, 24th March 09)

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