Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Return of the Ladiator

The Ladiator sandal is gonna make a return this summer. Yup, the lad's version of the gladiator shoes (hence the nickname 'ladiator') is gonna be big again next season on the men's footwear. Last year, the sandal is a tad subtle. Not even gone to the ankle high, like my Mango Amaro sandal. Only the women's galdiator, they've been brave enough to have it till the mid-knee high. But this time, it seems the ladiator gonna make a reign by going to the ankle.

I'm in the mood to get one too. Upon checking out some out there, the one by Poste @ Office look devilishly good. I like the double buckle, securing the foot well and not slip easily. And the best part, the back of the foot seem to be 'free' - meaning blisters on the back foot can be shunned since there'll be no 'rubbing' with the pad. Besides, the front is 'opened' - freeing the toes to the world. Woohoo! (Wish they have in black too)

The other ladiators out there include the one by Asos. Overall look is okay, but I don't really like it coz the back foot is not really 'backless', plus the front is not 'toe free'. Yet they're cheaper and the woven leather looks great. Aldo also did quite cool similar to Poste, but still not backless.

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