Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Highstreet Vs. High End: Floral Board Shorts

Ready to hit the waves? Then you've gotta be wearing a board shorts then. And to appear more summery, what more can you get by slipping into a floral shorts before hitting the water. Florals always become a big trend coz people like to associate it with being in Hawaii. Or just to get the feel of Hawaii - the place where you all should go to ride the waves! :)

So, what to choose? If you're a big wallet type, then the board shorts by Ralph Lauren looks very Maui and kinda retro too with yellow hibiscus and red anthurium as if they're being hand-painted on the shorts. This one doesn't come cheap though coz a Ralph Lauren will send you to a whopping £100! (almost...). But hey, it's a designer label....

[pix from matches fashion]

But if you're kinda skint type, then the one by H&M can do the job too. Cheaper (about £25) and the flower design looks kinda nice with the turqouise/lime on black. And i think they function well once you're in water.

So, whatever the budget - board it if you can!

[pix from h&m]

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