This is a story at Kitschen again. Last time when I made my way to the cashier to pay for the skinny tie that I bought, I saw some of bow ties in a bowl on the counter. They're all supernice. I pick some of them and see how's the fabric and stuff - it turned out I'm digging the whole idea of what bow ties could do. I used to have a bad impression about bow ties coz I dunno how to tie 'em up, which could put me in a major fashion disaster. But these bows, they got some clips at the back, so you can just snap it up and ready to rock with it. And the strap is adjustable too, so you can just fit it according to how it will 'choke' your neck. :)
So, I love two of them - the stripes and the polka dots. All in black and white, which is always chic. When I went back to Kitcshen, I bought both of them. They're awesome. Though I still having a 'favoritism' crisis - I like the polka dots even more since it shares the same pattern with the skinny tie that I got earlier. Still... both are great!
And the best part - the cashier put it in a brown paper 'sandwich' bag like the one that you get when takeaway the fries at McD. Kinda stamp the theme of Kitschen itself. So cool... :)
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