Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just Feel the Intensity!

The perfect autumn setting : just picture this. The leaves turn golden brown trickling down from the trees. The sky metamorphose into a dimmer grey facade that making your sight goes dewy. The cool weather with a seductive autumnal breeze whispering your earlobes, trying to romance your attention. And you cuddling up in your best ultra luscious cashmere sweater, with your arms wrapped around your body trying to keep your body warm. Can't you just feel it - the sexy mood of autumn?

I think that's the reason my ultra favorite brands have gone a bit lusty when it comes to the latest version of their perfumes. To suit the sexy mood of autumn. Very dark and mysterious, edgy and sexy ... as if it could unleashed your inner sexual energy with a spritz of the scent. Feel the power. Feel the heat. Unleashed the inner raw prowess in you.

Gucci Guilty, Dior Homme and Prada Amber: they're all agree to one. Being Intense

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