Monday, August 31, 2009

A Glimpse into the Unfashionable World of a Shopaholic

"Hi, my name is Zamri. And I am a shopaholic (?)"

I think that'll probably the first phrase I'll say if there ever be a Shopaholic Anonymous. LOL! I know I'm a total shoppalotta. And the aftermath? I have no more space in my wardrobe to store 'em. Yikes!! Especially when living in a classic Victorian house with classic two-door landlord-owned cupboard. It's a far cry from my 4-door, floor-to-ceiling Ikea Pax wardrobe back home which is quite humongous.

I can truly relate with the Confession of a Shopaholic movie in the scene when Isla's Becky Bloomwood character is trying to close the door of her fully-loaded wardrobe that she barely can. I had my fair share too every now and then coz I can't close mine! How pathetic is that. LOL. Hmm... I just need a bigger wardrobe. Or a walk-in closet like Carrie Bradshaw has. Delish.

Still, sometimes I don't know what to wear. Sigh...

My unfashionable-almost-bursting-out wardrobe - can only store 1/3 of my clothes. Yikes!

Scene from Confession of a Shopaholic. The wardrobe is bursting out like moi!

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