Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's 400th. And I'm Loving It!

Yeay!! I've reached another milestone in the blogosphere. It's my 400th blog entry!! Not bad for a casual blogger.

Sometimes I think this blog is kinda newsreel. LOL! Btw, that's what my blog is all about. Things that I find interesting out there, that I tried on, that I experience, got my hands on it and not to mention the thing I'm lusting for (and hated too), is all laid out there in the bare. Isn't it fun? That's what life should be - enjoying what you do.

Btw, change of topic. What am I expecting for next days and months to come:

  • This jacket from River Island. Out now & I'm loving it! One part military, one part peacoat, one part Micheal Jackson! And talking about military, boy... does it make a return for next season. From D&G, Armani and Paul Smith to the highstreet like Topman and Zara. Great to take in the spirit of GI Joe movie that's out now :D

  • Apple Tablet. The blogosphere is buzzing that the tablet is gonna hit the shores in September (making it way to UK launch in October, perhaps?). Rumor has it it's gonna be the in-betweeners: a larger version of iPod Touch, and scaled down version of Macbook. Whatever it is... the look rocks!
  • Samsung Hugo Boss phone. After the uber-glamor Armani making his mark on Samsung touchscreen phone (that myself can't help but getting one too!), Hugo Boss seem to follow suit by stamping its brand to this Samsung touchphone. Yup, deja vu it is coz it's actually Samsung Tocco. With tauted 5 MP cam, and yadda yadda yadda... it's gonna be out by Christmas. I think if I get one, I can really streamlined my accessories to be all Hugo! :D

(pixs from misc)

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