Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Killer Tartan Ties

I'm a real sucker for tartan ties. I can't remember how many have I got coz whenever I see one, I have to grab it. I remember one time I passed through the Tie Rack store at Oxford St last summer sale, my eagle eyes suddenly caught into a couple of tartans even from far away! The price doesn't really matter to me (the cheaper ones is much much more welcomed of course), but the material does. I can't wear silk thingy for religious reasons. So, polyester is all the way for me. And the cut mustn't be all too wide - it must be slim or skinny coz that'll look more mod rather or I'll be looking like a bloody OAP!

Then I found these tartan ties @ Blue Inc. Nice ones - red and purple. Something I haven't got yet. Their designs is so cool, fun and funky. Plus their very skinny and machine washable too. Love 'em. And the price really tempted mee coz they go on sale @ only 3 quid!! Hmmm...now I need to find their stores... (oh yes, there's one in Wood Green!)

Tartan ties @ Blue Inc

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