Wednesday, March 31, 2010

cool tribal dragon tattoo designs

foot tattoos

Another reason that someone would get feet tattoo could be the very reason that feet are covered the majority of the time. Not everyone gets a tattoo to boldly let the world know their feelings. Some people are more subtle. Feet tattoo would suit this kind of person perfectly, because they would have the satisfaction of wearing ink without anyone knowing, unless they decide to let someone in on their little secret.
foot star tattoo for girls
feet foot tattoo
Here are some latest tattoo designs.
heart-wing tattoo on the back
heart-wing tattoo on the backfemale back flower tattoo
female back flower tattoo

cool tribal dragon tattoo designs

Fish Tattooa cool fish tattoo on the back

dragon  tattoos for men picture
Do you love the dragon tattoos? There are western and eastern dragon tattoos, no matter what they mean, but these kind of tattoos are really awesome! Men do love Dragon tattoos.

For men, most of dragon tattoo designs do not include color—mostly because men tend to believe that adding color makes the tattoo less masculine and more feminine. There are different dragon tattoo designs in color that can be for both men and women.
foot tattoos
dragon tattoo designs for men
One of the nice things about dragon tattoos with no color at all is that it is unisex; both men and women can use the design. However, just adding a little bit of color to it, maybe just to outline it would make a huge difference in the appearance and the beauty of the tattoo.
One of these designs is a blue dragon in an upright flying position, with a green underside and orange flames all around it. When thinking about whether or not the tattoo is best for males or females, it is really all about the color scheme. With the blue dragon, this is mostly for men because it is fierce and powerful. If the tattoo were different shades of pink than quite obviously no man would be caught dead with that design. It is for a woman to have.

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