Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My-Wardrobe's Spring Hottest Trends

"Sunshine through my window, that's what you are...". That lyrics in Gabrielle's song is so true if I'm referring that to these days. Isn't it awesome that just a little ray of sunshine can suddenly lift up everyone's spirit? Or mood. Yes, long gone the SAD days (that's seasonal affective disorder, btw), and enter the new happiness!

Talking about spring, people at has come up with the trend that you might want to look at for the new season. To be honest, in general there's not much difference from any spring trend from the previous seasons. Nautical, whites, pastels, trenchies (that's trench coat okay, :D) - they're all always make a comeback every year. Instead of spring trend, I think that's now a 'spring classic'. The one that I'll probably (or I already did, actually) wanna do is the denim destruction - with distressed denim, and probably double or triple denim look. But okay, probably what's new in the spring trend this time - new cut, new fabric, and some new colors too.

Whatever it is, to me trend should not just be a trend. It should be long-lasting and not just disappear after this year. It should be a style instead. Sorry, I'm not a fashion guru, but I do agree with what Dolce & Gabbana duo said "Trend is only for a month. Style is forever!" Ahaks! :)

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