Saturday, March 27, 2010

Etc... Etc... zaBigFatLife...

Beneath all that 'glam' facade, you'll never know what's going on behind the scenes. Well, this is what happens in my daily life. It's all about making decisions, decisions, decisions... Probably enigma too. What to wear, what goes well with what, can I wear this shoes today.. should I wear this scarf with this one? and the list go on and on. Hey, typical bloke like me should look good too okay. (And so do you. Ahaks!)

And what is truly annoying is when you have lots of stuff to wear, you'll never know some even been 'hybernated' long, long time in some corner of the wardrobe. It's kinda funny coz sometimes I asked myself when did I bought this? Hmmm.... (I know some of you guys is like that as!)

Oh, in case you're wondering, no... this post is not brought to you by Asos. Ahaks! =)

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