Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Morre o rei, nasce a lenda

Em Agosto de 1958, na cidade de Gary, Indiana, nasceu Michael Joseph Jackson.

Sua estrela brilhou por algumas primaveras, trazendo para o mundo uma chuva de sucessos e hits inconfundíveis que lhe deram o poderoso título de rei do Pop mundial.

Michael começou sua carreira aos 7 anos de idade como vocalista dos Jackson five. Ele era o mais novo do grupo. Porém, isso não o impedira de ser o mais talentoso. Logo em 1979, ele se destacaria dos demais irmãos e decolaria em carreira solo. Mas isso só veio acontecer declaradamente em 1984.

Michael, dono de uma voz fenomenal e com um balanço inconfundível, ganhou asas com o lançamento do álbum Thriller, que alcançou a marca de 50 milhões de cópias vendidas em todo mundo.

Veio o sucesso, a fama, a riqueza... O garoto agora havia se tornado um homem. Muitos dizem que o Michael continuava sendo um menino no corpo de um homem. Boatos e rumores comprovam a fragilidade do artista. “um esteriótipo” infantil, devido a traumas sofridos quando jovem, tendo como o próprio pai o responsável por toda essa insanidade. Michael dizia que seu pai o abusava sexualmente, e que muitas vezes subia para apresentar os shows logo depois de tomar uma surra daquelas, por conta de algo banal!

Em 1988, Michael comprou uma propriedade. Tal qual foi batizada de Never Land (terra do nunca), A propriedade seria aberta a visitação popular de crianças de todo mundo, pois possuía simplesmente tudo que uma criança sonhava. Desde parques com rodas gigantes até zoológicos repletos de animais exóticos...

Mas em 1993, Michael foi acusado de pedofilia e o sonho começou a virar pesadelo desde então. Por mais obras de arte que o astro Pop produzia, ('History', de 1995, e 'Blood on the Dance Floor', de 1997) os efeitos positivos eram estilhaçados nos boatos de abuso de crianças e pedofilia. Assim, esse pesadelo parecia nunca ter fim. Acusações e mais acusações se misturavam como uma avalanche na sua vida, outrora repleta de sonhos e arte. Agora dando lugar a sombras e dias frios. Agora as contas com advogados e processos, fizeram do rei do pop uma pessoa atolada em dívidas e com menos brilho no olhar. Michael não fazia mais shows, limitava-se ao grande público como sendo quase um anônimo. Suas dívidas ultrapassavam a astronômica quantia de 800 milhões de reais nos dias atuais.

Era preciso fazer acontecer novamente. Era preciso brilhar como sempre!

Assim, o astro pop divulga o “This Is It”, uma série de 50 concertos que teria início em 13 de julho de 2009 em Londres. Só para se ter uma idéia, mais de 360.000 ingressos foram vendidos em 18 horas durante a pré-venda!!!

Mas como sabemos o astro não viveria para mais essa glória. Em 25 de junho de 2009, Michael Jackson morreu após parada cárdio-respiratória. O rei do Pop morreu sozinho e pobre. E o que é pior, parecer incompreendido por todos.

Michael deixou 3 filhos, foi casado duas vezes e também era dono dos direitos autorais de todas as músicas dos Beattles.

Espero que o astro do Pop esteja bem. Que ele leve alegria e luz para todas as pessoas, sejam elas fãns ou não. Afinal, o show não pode parar!

Parabéns Michael pela sua contribuição e pelo seu desempenho como artista!

Viva a música, viva a arte, viva Michael Jackson...

Rodrigo Carvalho - Salvador

Shoe Galore: GUCCI Fall/Winter '09 Collection

Someone told me that I got a hell lotta shoes of a lifetime. Well, I can't deny that. In fact people even nicknamed me 'Imelda Marcos' due to number of footwear that I've collected. To me (and to any shoe fetish :D), you can never have enough shoes. It's very important to have good footwear, simply becoz feet is at the lowest part of the body which provide support. Bad shoes will cause bad posture which can lead to health problems too (not to mention bad taste! LOL!)

And since I love shoes, and I love Gucci too... these lots really seduced me. The new Fall/Winter '09 collection by Gucci. Since I like only two things abot Gucci footwear: the boots and moccassins, so these collection is massively gorgeous!

Which one I like? Which one I wanna have? Which one I think looks good? These are some of my picks (and hoping it will be in my shoe closet too)

Black leather moccassin with squarish horse-bit buckle.
Very streamlined and chic.
Gonna be true neo-classic, Gucci longevity...
(Hope I could get one!)

Black moccassin with roundish horsebit buckle.
I already got similar one with black horsebit hardware. Great fit.

I always love Gucci's tassel.
This one has across between dressy and boat shoe feel.
Very delicious indeed!

Similar design but in midnight blue. Looks smashing!

A very simple and minimal design black loafer.
Yet the twist is given at the strap with interlocking GG design.
I just love the plain horizontal no-fuss strap!

A must have! I love the brogue motive and zippy thing.
And the back-ankle buckle that give it kinda funky feel.
Maybe I should also get this one?!

Nilton Andrade, Tomi Tattoo Studio

O tatuador paulista Nilton Andrade inicia sua participação no A Tattoo com o envio de quatro belas tatuagens e quatro folhas de séries de desenhos para tatuagem. Nilton é mais conhecido como Piqueno e com seis anos de experiência tatua no estúdio Tomi Tattoo.

Tomi Tattoo
Endereço: Av.: Imirim, 907, Sala 2, São Paulo - SP
Telefones: (11) 2239-6428 / 8212-6973
E-mail: sltattoo1@pop.com.br Orkut

I've Touch 3.0

I finally bowed to the fact that I'm an Apple fan even if it's only a little. I own the 32Gb iPod Touch (not to mention the 1Gb 2nd gen Shuffle). An ultimate boy's toy apart from iPhone; from having the PIMs (personal information management, not the apple cider!), notes jotting, gaming, web surfing (if wifi permitted) and of course movie and music playback. Love it. It's a great companion when travel down the Tube. I shunned iPhone altogether due to its fat size (it's slightly thicker than the 'Touch).

So, last week I have upgraded to the 3.0 version at £5.99 from iTunes. (Free? Huh..I wish!). Btw, issit any good? Splendid. These are some of my highlights:
  • Landscape Keyboard

Before, landscape keyboard only exist in Safari, now I can type in landscape mode both in email and notes. Perfect! really useful coz I don't have to cram my big fingers in portrait. Besides, Mail can also be viewed in landscape.

  • Select, Select All, Cut, Copy & Paste
This is by far the most welcomed features by myself. It's great that you can highlight some word or phrase and cut/copy/paste it somewhere else.

  • Shake to Shuffle
Something that I never knew would happen when the JT's 'Sexy Back' suddenly stopped and goes to Take That's 'Patience' (which is 20 tracks apart!) while I made a groovy move to the tune. When I read in Apple's website, yes, it's shuffle while you shake it babe. It will actually give a 'bleep' sound indicating the shuffling mode.

  • Spotlight Search
This thing appears on the page before the main page (the main page is where the Safari, Mail, Calender is). Just flick to the right (i.e the page goes to the left) and you can search for a file or whatever you wish. Example: when I typed in Touch, two entries will appear - Mariah's Touch My Body and the notes about Bacchiacca's painting that has the word 'touch' in it. Brilliant!

  • Bluetooth
OMG, I can't believe I can sync any bluetooth devices with the Touch! But right now it's still limited to the stereo headset. Yet when I pair it with my laptop and handphone, they appears in Touch eventhough no sync'ing can be done. Hope that Apple will improve this part so that the photos and files in both devices can be transferred easily. The bluetooth sync, btw, can be accessed thru the 'Settings'.

  • Voice Memo

I think this one is useful too provided I have the mic like the Belkin voice recorder. From what Apple said is it will "Capture a memo, a meeting or any audio recording on the go. Voice Memos works with the built-in iPhone microphone or with the mic on your headset" OK, I'll get that Belkin soon. So, beware that everything you said will be the 'evidence'. LOL!

  • Language Selection

This might help for one who can't speak English too well. There're numbers of languages that you can select, and here is one example: Bahasa Melayu (Malay language). As useful as it may be, I think it's quite funny to have Touch in your own language. LOL! (Yet I don't undermining my own language).

Cinco tatuagens de Anésio Castanho

No final do ano passado Anésio Castanho participou do A Tattoo com o envio de cinco belos trabalhos, confira mais cinco fotos de tatuagens realizadas por Anésio.

Forearm tatoo design seamless fit

Hi There,

This week I have been working on a large project, a maori / kirituhi forearm design.
Like other sleeves, this tattoo design had to be wrapped around the forearm completely and make a seamless fit.

Here you'll see a few pictures of the design in different stages:

drawing tutorial tattoo imagesmaori tattoo for the forearmforearm maori kirituhi style tattoo

final forearm seamless mauri designThe size of the design is 27 cm high and the width at the elbow is 30 cm and at the wrist it's 18 cm.

To make sure the design fit's seamless I first draw one side of the design and copy it. Then I place it against the other side and continue the design. I always try to keep the lines flowing and the fills interesting.

The customer liked the tattoo immediately, so I only had to make some minor changes to this drawing. Here are a few pictures of the process of tracing the design:

how to draw a maori tattoo designdrawing maori design with pencil

Tomorrow I will be working on an armband in maori / kirituhi design. Really enjoying this kind of projects, where I can use my own style and mix it with Maori shapes and symbols.

Regards, Mark

Monday, June 29, 2009

Going Gaga Over Gucci!

Confession of a shoe-aholic. That's the perfect sentence to sum up my infatuation with footwear. And to add to my shoe collezioni are these Gucci black leather moccassion. So what's hot? The brand, really coz I'm a Gucci fan. Gucci footwear is always about 2 thing: the boots and the loafer. I've had Gucci brogue zip-up boots before, so this time I'm thinking of getting the moccassins or loafer, whatever you wanna call it. But I don't want just any loafer, rather with the immaculately designed horse-bit-like buckle or with tassel. Fortunately, I got both.

The one with horsebit buckle is given hi-shine finish making it gleam (but not too gleaming like patent). The buckle look so chic with very symmetrical, black metal design. The other with tassel looks very classic but with a twist - the heel is in tortoise-shell! The tassel make it looks very dressy. Both fit gorgeously as if it was made to measure my feet. The feel, the smell and the texture of the leather are just amazing. And the best part, I got them at massive discount!

Another thing I like about Gucci: they come in golden box with all the golden wrappings, plus golden shoe cover bearing 'Gucci' label.

They say the devil might wears Prada. And I say: the rebel wears Gucci! Voila...

My Gucci horsebit moccassin

My Gucci tortoise-shell tassel loafer

Time To Slap On Those SPF!!

UK hospital has been put under heatwave alert coz they said the temperature gonna go above 30oC. Plus the London Underground is also installing some those big industrial fan in most stations coz down there it's estimated gonna hit more than 45oC. Fooh!! It's kinda being in a massive oven in the city of London now.

With heat alert, pollen alert and not to mention flu alert too, one thing that should be ignored is the UV alert. With clear blue sky and hot weather, it's easier to get skin burning. Well, it's OK to be tan, but it's a sin to get skin cancer. :D

To protect my skin from all those UVA and UVB, I kinda stock the Clinique SPF 30 suncream. Very effective. It's quite clear, the cream does not feel runny and most important it doesn't leave mark or smudge the skin. Plus, I got a free mat that goes with it. Perfect!

Next thing... should I sunbathe? Hmm.. no thanks!!

Clinique SPF 30 suncream

The free mat

Me & My Burberry Tote Eureka Moment

I bought this Burberry black and white check tote last year during summer sale. Very simple and practical. And the most important, it fits my 10" Fujitsu laptop back then (yet, still fits my new Samsung N310!). But that's not the point of the story.
Today, when it was scorching 30oC hot I thought I might sling the bag again. Coz it's canvas, so make things inside the bag breathable and not heating up the gadgets inside. Still, I have a problem with one part of the tote and don't know what's the use of it. It's the kinda strap at the back with some stud on top of it. It's been months I still dunno how to use it.

Suddenly as if there's a eureka moment when I went to the toilet and need to put aside my Londonpaper. Where should I put it while I'll wash my hands? Voila, as if magic happens I wrap those paper with that strap, and fasten the hole on the strap to the stud! As amazed as I am, I finally found the use of the strap! Alas..
It's true you find idea while in the bathroom. :D

The strap at the back of the tote
The leather strap is folded and fasten to the stud! Voila...

Summer Sale Highlight: The Armani 'Hybrid' Laced Shoe

I wrote about this shoe before. And when it suddenly went on sale, I rushed to the Armani store @ New Bond Street to grab one. Unfortunately, they ain't stock in. So what did I do? Shop online instead. And with promotional free delivery by Armani it was finally arrived last week in a ginormous black box (not the airplane black box, silly!)

Say hello to my new Emporio Armani lace-up shoe. I'd like to call it the 'hybrid' shoe. Why? Coz it's a combo of canvas and leather. The body is canvas, while the trimmings and shoe laces are all leather (and the inner linings too). Fit? Gorgeous! In fact the day after it arrived, I already gave it a test drive by going shopping at Sloane Street (which find me grabbing the Hugo Boss boots). My new Armani shoes really does me justice. So comfy, doesn't heat up my feet (coz it's canvas). And with the synthetic sole, it is even better. The look is very chic and understated.

The only thing I wish, please don't let it rain outside. Or my Armani will be soaked to death!

The huge delivery box is 3 times bigger than the shoe box itself!

My 'hybrid' Armani lace-up

Synthetic sole with Emporio Armani emblem