Monday, October 19, 2009

Fashion Relief: Solange for (RED) - Kiss to Make a Difference

Love charity? Love jewellery? Love (RED)? Then you've gotta get this ring from Solange Azagury–Partridge. Known for the cutting-edge designs and her jewelleries are worn by celebs like Jeniffer Aniston, Rachel Weisz and Sarah-Jessica Parker (in the set of SATC2 movie!), SA-P 'Hotlips' ring for product (RED) is probably one of the best investment-slash-charity do that you could ever done.

Well, ok. This ring is not new in the news, coz it's being launched during the Vogue's Fashion Night Out at Dover Street Market last 10th September. And also, let's face it - it's for the gals. But guys, you can always give it to your girl or mum or auntie as a prezzie, right? This red 'hotlips' is composed of sterling silver covered in translucent red lacquer - that's why it look devilishly luscious. Btw, if you buy this you'll be generously contributing 50% of profits to the Global Fund to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. So do your part!

This ring comes in 3 sizes, and you better tried them on at Solange Azagury-Partridge Boutiques. Where to find it? If u're in London - 187 Westbourne Grove (also at 809 Madison Ave, New York)

Price? £980. Come on, it's an art. Plus it's for charity! :)

[pix from]

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