Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Photoshop: The Editorial Truth...

Last week I got the opportunity to attend a free short course on Photoshop. Very nice indeed to be able to get my hands on the software, though I have used it before without proper training. I think by now, even sans Photoshop everyone knows how to crop, rotate, flip and change bit and bobs on the pix aren't they? Anyway, what I like most about this course (or any course, indeed) is the thing which is outside the 'syllabus'. Thing that the instructor share with all the participants, like their experience and stuff. And talking about Photoshop, everyone knows about its endless possibilities of changing someone or something especially in advertising.

So, at the end of the course the instructor shared one of the link that I found very, very and very (that's a hell lot of very!) interesting. The advert by Dove about beauty. Take a look yourself how Photoshop really being used to the max to evolve someone that is practically already beautiful into someone that's basically not her anymore (or improved version of her in the eyes of the advert people).

So, my word: beware when you look at any ad. You might be fooled with the real truth or real person off-screen. Whatever it is, I think beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder - it's in the head too. You've gotta see the beauty beneath the skin deep. :)

Oh, btw. All my pix in this blog are not being 'Photoshopped'. It's my real skinny body. (Please don't hate me.. lol!)

[video from youtube]

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