Friday, October 9, 2009

One Day in za Life: 3 Meetings, 2 Outfits and One Hell of a Big Thursday...

Oh man, i should've been writing this last nite but was too damn tired with everything that's happening yesterday. Indeed it's a BigFat Thursday - oughtta be the busiest day of the week for me. Not to forget, the 'shopping and style' day too. :)

To to kick start my day, I thought I'm going nero again. Back to black (cue Amy Winehouse song...). But not as the same as the previous day where it's too sombre, this time with a theme - military look. At last I gotta chance to wear those outfit that I've been planning months before into practice. My River Island drummer boy jacket with its 24-buttons galore paired with the Zara 12-eyelets lace-up boots. I love the boots coz it got rubber sole which is better for wet season, rather than leather sole which always ruins the shoes. And for the basics underneath, I'm going a bit rock-n-roll edgy look with just vest and zipped cardi from Zara. All black. And oh, I went a bit 'plunging' neckline (though the chest is under-toned, nggg..) coz wanna test the waters again after everytime I tried it everyone around seemed to be 'kinder'. Ha.. now I know how the women's really feel when they do 'plunging' neckline.

Too bad when I went out from the house the weather is not as i expected. It's bright sunny day! Oh.. what have I been wearing? So not suitable. Anyhow, since I got a meeting in that morning, I said what the hell, just get on with the program. Who knows later it's gonna be pouring hard like yesterday. On my way down the Tube, I grabbed SHORTLIST. It's Thursday, it's SHORTLIST day. Who's on the cover? Ozzy Osbourne?! Eeww...

Bla, bla, bla... finished my meeting after 2 hours. More things to explore, more stuff to do. Well, that's life anyway. At least i know what I'm going to do next.

I take a look outside. Man.. it's still sunny. This can't be. Since it's lunch hour, I think it's time for me to do a drastic move - change my whole outfit. Well, almost. Took the Tube back home - and voila! Succeed. Nothing changed actually, except that I swapped the drummer boy to the rock chic. It's the graphite blazer that I wore the day before. Errkk.... I've done a major fashion faux pas here - wearing the same piece twice in a row. But what the heck, I love it! Plus it's skinny, it's edgier since I'll be attending one big fashion event tonite. And for the boots - out with the eyelets lace-ups, in with the watery, patent Fendi Chelsea boots. Holla!

Clock ticking. It's my second meeting of the day with a guy from 'Student Life' who called the previous nite to meet and hand me their free mag. Arrived fashionably late, but thank God he's still there. After saying hello and apologizing, we're having chit chat (zaBigFatChat? hehe..) about 'connecting to God'? What?? Me, in my Fendi boots and plunging neckline wanna talk about spirituality? This is not what I've signed up for! I didn't even remember what the heck he was saying when he told me that I ticked something about 'to enhance spirituality' on the checkbox of their survey card last Friday during Fresher's Fayre event. Err.. oh yes. But I said, "I just tick anything in the checkbox coz you said I could get free iPod if I do the survey". Lol..! Anyway, it's a quick chat coz there's nothing more to pursue here....

Bla, bla, bla... back to my 'bunker' to do some computer simulation and reading and messing around with the neverending numbers. Then I found out... whoops, it's almost time! I've gotta run to my next 'meeting' - to the Carnaby Street Shopping Evening and the GQ event at French Connection.

And voila, there I am. Right before 7.00 pm - making my beeline to FCUK @ Oxford Circus, attending the GQ Party at the menswear section. Only invited people are allowed to get in. When they ask did I bring any 'plus one' I said no. I'd rather go 'minus one' coz that'll increase my chance to flirt with anyone around. Lol!

So, what's happening? Music is played out loud by the DJ at one corner, champagne is flowing, booze is served and loads of beautiful ladies around. But, I opted for non-alcoholic drink, of course, since i'm a teetotal honey. It's the 'This Water' for me all nite. There's even 'crazy' mini golf course in red and invitees are offered 20% off all clothing for the nite. But the most anticipated part is happening at 7.25 pm when GQ Fashion Editor, Jamie Millar giving his 'keynote address' about the autumn/winter '09 trends.

What's gonna be hot according to Jamie? Some of it include:

  • Edge blazer
  • 3-piece suit
  • Quilting jacket
  • Cardigan (unfortunately it's Fair Isle one)
  • Duffel coat
  • Brogue lace-up shoes.

And the pieces that he shown is of course from your's truly - French Connection. But sorry to say, I hate everything from FCUK. Not only their stuff is not that cheap (is that why they're closing 200 stores in Japan?), they're not that trendy. :(

And what is Jamie's wearing? Three-piece suit and bow tie, paired with brogue shoes and and old-school look glases. I think they're all from French Connection! Ngg...

Jamie Millar giving the briefing on a/w 09 trend

Tick, tock, tick, tock. I need to leave the party coz I'm going to next event. While making my way to Carnaby Shopping Evening, I spotted the '20% Off Everything' at Burton. And oh, did I just mention that last night is 'Shopping Evening'? And most stores did some 'Sale' including House of Fraser, Debenhams and some others. Probably coz their kick started the mid-season sale starting from today.

So what's hot in Burton? On my way up, I spotted the monochrome check flannel shirt on the mannequin. Looking hot, and I said to myself I've gotta tried it. And I did.

Love the shirt. The fit, the fabric, the price are all perfecto! Love the buttons very much. The color combo - grey and black is really nice.

Burton monochrome checks shirt

There's another version - in green check. Similar design, but this one is not my kinda thing.

Burton green checks flannel shirt

And another one that I tried is ought to be the trend of this season (and next too) - the denim shirt. What a nice touch. Unfortunately I already got some denim shirts, so this will not gonna be in my wardrobe. :)

Burton denim shirt

Clock is ticking - I really need to go otherwise I missed Carnaby's event. But, as I'm rushing there suddenly Uniqlo is luring me to get in. Holla... new pieces by +J is finally in! I rampaged the rails, taking the grey jackets and coats, plus the one that I've been wanting to get my hands on - the velvet blazer. My verdict? Amazing pieces.

The grey jacket is actually better than what I mention last time. The fabric is truly awesome though i think the fit could've been a bit 'slimmer' on my waist.

+J grey wool blazer

The overcoat is what i'm really lusting for coz it's very simple but chic. The luscious fabric is amazing. I really love the length - just perfect. Not too short and not too long. It's so fluid too. And the color is so timeless..

+J wool coat

The velvet blazer in navy is so sartorially trendy. I'm going gaga with the fit and the sumptous feel of the fabric. Though navy is not the color that I normally go for, but this one is an exception. It's pretty awesome coz it gives a multifaceted look. Shimmery but not glowing. Edgy but still chic. But, one question remains? Could the overcoat and the velvet go into my wardrobe soon? Hmmm... time will tell. :D

+J velvet blazer

And mentioning what my second outfit for the day, this is what it looks. Very simple actually. Graphite jacket with my vest inside. Well, ok.. the vest is not being that 'plunging' neckline as I'm bragging before. But by slightly having the scooped neck seemed to make other people being 'kinder' and 'friendlier' to me? Why? I dunno. Just imagine what could've been if I'm going for deep V neck!? That'll be another story. But i should get my chest much more toned next time, I promised...

River Island graphite jacket, Zara zipped cardi, Uniqlo vest, scarves and 'All Made in Japan' jeans

Fendi patent Chelsea boots

Making my way out from Uniqlo, I finally arrived to Carnaby St, only to find out that the shopping evening is already over. Wait a minute, it's only 8.30!? They mentioned the event is till 9.00 pm!? Wha..?? Maybe next time time.. ;)

With being mentally tired and body is lusting for some rest, I finally head home.

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