Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GQ Style: Wear It Like Lautner

You know what is funny whenever I'm waiting for the Tube to arrive during the morning commute? Is when i see those business-like people or office workers wearing their hideous shirts. The balloning on the back (not to mention on their sideways too, ahaks..), the baggy thingy and the oh-is-it-too-sheer-that-my-vest-is-showing kinda thing. I'm not undermining them for choosing them, but mainly the blame is for their missus actually. Anyway, that kind of people always tickles my funnybone every morning..hehe..

So, word of advice: if you wanna do business, don't just look like one. Look more than that. Be edgy, but not tacky. GQ Style has given some great tips how to choose right shirts to wear. It's all about fit, fit and fit. And good fabric too, of course. I really love slimfit. It's always the best coz it skims the torso very well. Just like Taylor Lautner here. It helps if you got a great body like him too.. so gotta work the love handles mate!

Oh, for those who are Twilight craze; you can win a ticket for the exclusive screening of the New Moon at River Island.

[pix from GQ Style]

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