Sunday, November 15, 2009

Red Carpet: The Day I Met SJP

What better way to celebrate the success of Jimmy Choo for H&M collection by reminiscing to where it's all started - the Sex and the City! I am fortunate enough to meet the cast of the movie last Spring '08 when Sarah Jessica Parker and the gang hit London for their world premiere of Sex and the City: The Movie. Where? Leicester Square, London - just a stone's throw from my college anyway (if you conside 2 tube stops a stone's!)

So, who's wearing what?

  • SJP - in McQueen green d-to-t (dress to toe). And she's wearing Philip Treacy hat - a bit of spring-feel to it too. Very couture.
  • Cynthia Nixon - in black plunging neckline Calvin Klein dress.
  • Kim Catrall - in red Vivienne Westwood.
  • Kristin Davis - red vintage dress.
  • Patricia Field - the queen of style wearing her own design. Creative and cool...
  • Vivienne Westwood - the Dame is also wearing her own design, a white lace dress.

SJP arrived, crowd went mad!

Cynthia in 'hellooo baby' plunging neckline

Kim Catrall in Vivienne Westwood dress

The ever lovely Kristin Davis in vintage red dress and Louboutin shoes

Patricia Field - the person behind all the styles in SATC

Dame Vivienne Westwood

The girls being interviewed by the press

SJP working the crowd

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