Monday, September 28, 2009

Daily Musings: Ugly Betty (Season3, Episode 15)

I was on my return trip to London when I thought why not watch the Ugly Betty Season 3 just to kill the time. No, it's not the previous one on Channel 4 last week, but the 'future' episodes. Episode 15. (Thanks to some 'peer' out there for the clips, coz in UK not all are on tele yet!)

Some of the catchy phrases that I think are quite interesting....

(Hopefully my blog fits in the fashion scene too, hehe..)

(hopefully all my 'review', my adventure in fitting room, my up close to certain thing is me trying to make it personal. If I hate it, then I hate it, silly. I'm not gonna kiss other people's ass if I'm not feeling them. Their clothes, not their

(I hope every single person realize that fashion is not just about the clothes. It's the soul. It's the personality. It's the beauty. It's the art! When you look good, you're spreading the feel-good vibe to other people too :D)

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