Tuesday, September 29, 2009

zaBigFatBreak: Eiffel Tower and The Lourve

How can you claim you've been to Paris if you didn't visit their creme de la creme - the Eiffel Tower and the Lourve, right? So, there I am... finally making my journey to the west, down the River Seine taking the RER to Champs de Mars station to see the night view of Eiffel Tower. Oh, RER is pronounced as 'ehr-oh-ehr' - more like a uh-uh-uh to me, lol!

Btw, splendid backdrop, splendid view. The glittering light made it very magical! It look as if it is made of gold. There loads of people though it was almost late in the night.

The morning after, my real adventure begins. Took the journey up the tower to see the most splendid view of Paris in 360 degree. Unfortunately it can only took to the 2nd Level, coz the 3rd Level (that is the top most) is closed due to overcrowding. Hmm... but, 2nd Level is 2nd Level. It's good enough, coz I still view the whole Paris from south to north, east to west. The fare? 8 euro. Not too bad, but you can still pay another 5 Euro (I think) at 2nd Level to get to the top, provided if they open it.

Oh, my advice: if you wanna visit Eiffel Tower for great view, go at noon coz the sky is gonna be superb (if it's sunny, of course). In the morning it appears to be slightly foggy.

View from Pont du Alexander

Up close and personal with Tour de Eiffel

View from Pont Grenelle

You can even see Sacre Coure from the 2nd Level!

You can go down to 1st Level from here too

One of the gift shop.
Go this year to buy the Limited Edition 120th Anniversary of Eiffel Tower

View at dusk from Pont du Alexander

My next stop: the Lourve! I've been wanting to visit this museum since forever. Why, coz it's where you can find the portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci being kept.

So, I made my way down from the pyramid to the underground level where the ticket hall is. Mind you, most museums in Paris you've gotta pay to get in. Isn't it silly, coz in London almost all are free! Btw, after paying 9 Euro, I made my ever winding journey to the 'maze' of Lourve finding the treasure being kept. From the headless winged statue on the splendid stairs, to the statue of Venus de Milo, to the golden crown worn by the French royalty of yesteryears.

And voila... there she is, hanging on the wall beneath the oversized glass enclosure... seing by hundreds of people - the Mona Lisa. I'm totally awed coz finally I can see the most overrated painting in the entire world. It's just magical. Though it is located quite far from me, I can see the intensity of the painting. The gaze of the eyes which is mesmerizing, the composure and the strokes of the brush is just fantastic (ahaks, am I a painting curator now?). It is utterly splendid. Does my 9 Euro entry ticket really worth it? Absolutely... (but hello, next time make it free okay!).

But one question remain - is it really the real one? Or this one is just a copy, and they kept the treasure somewhere in the vault? Well, that my friend... remains a mystery too. :) Whetever it is, my word - if you wanna visit the Louvre go early in the morning to avoid the long, long, long queue!

The inverted pyramid, leading to the mall Carousel de Lourve

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Statue of Venus de Milo

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