Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The aftermath of visiting Paris - I'm suddenly become bored with London. Maybe I've been doing the same thing on and on and on, and nothing more special that I could find in this fashion capital. Oxford Street? Regent Street? High Street Kensington? Bond Street? Sloane Street? Ughh.. been there, done that. Is it that I'm getting tired of life in London? I know there's a saying that 'one who is tired of London is tired of life'. But I think that person who said that never leave London anyway, LOL!.

So, what do you think I should do next? Want me to come down to your city and 'invade' the fitting rooms there? Or you wanna see something different in this capital? Or you wanna suggest that I should go to this, this and that place in this city which I never been before...

Whatever it is... have your say! My time in this city is ticking.... tick, tock, tick,tock...

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