Friday, November 6, 2009

Oxford Street's Christmas Lights Galore!

Christmas shopping is now officially ON! With the flicked of a switch, Oxford St and Regent St at London West End has turned the Big Smoke into the Big Light. Theme of this year - Christmas Carol. You know the story right? I love the 'human version' starred by the beloved Captain Jean Luc Picard himself, Patrick Stewart. But this Disney movie is actually the animated one, voiced by Jim Carrey who played Scrooge.

Anyway, I started my journey right from the west part of Oxford St - Marble Arch - right through Oxford Circus tube station. That's about 1.5 mile, I guess. It's pretty fun, and yes the lights are pretty too. Some got this shape of a giant present, some got the umbrella and other stuffs. IMHO, I think this year is not that extravagant as the previous years. Such as the one that I attended during Leona Lewis sang 'Bleeding Love' next to John Lewis store (that's in 2007!). I think that time is even better. Hmmm... does credit crunch hit the Christmas streetlights too? Lol!

Christmas Carol @ Marble Arch

The giant giftbox

Even Primarni... ehem.. Primark displays turning snowy

Am I the only one who think of My Fair Lady?

All that glitters.. are just lightbulbs :)

House of Fraser turned red, and John Lewis went scaled down.

Oxford Circus, from west side.

Hail the new Oxford Cir-cross - the X crossing resembling Shibuya and New York!

View of Regent St from north side of Oxford Circus Stn.

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