Monday, November 2, 2009

zaBigFatBirthday: THANK YOU!

It's 29th October. It's my birthday. But damn... I got cold. On the eve of my birthday, something weird happen - my room got blackout in the middle of the nite. I've run out of one pound coins - meaning no heating, no electricity (my room is the old Victorian, only accept coin-based meter. Lol!) Damn.. what a great start. There I am, can do nothing except hybernating under the duvet. At the same day, this body felt so damn tired coz I've been working literally non-stop, everyday from morning till late nite, to catch my dateline which seems forever chasing me.

The morning came. Yeay! It's my birthday. But why am I feeling wierd? Why this head is so damn heavy? Why my world felt so 'spinning around'? (No, it's not Kylie Minougue's) Why I'm shivering? Oh man... I got cold! Coz last nite there's no heating! On my birthday?? Great. Instead of me having a big celebration, the germs are the one which did have a party!

Btw, I'd like to thank all of you guys out there for all the love and wishes. To those who keep on texting me, those who called me on the eve of my birthday, to all my FB friends for all the cheeky messages, the readers of this blog, to my sis who did have a big celebration for me on the other side of the world with all the food, cakes n candles and stuffs (and care to post it on their blog, though they're missing one important part - ME!), and to all my office mates for the special card - that has me on it! I LOVE IT!!

Thanks y'all. You guys are awesome!! XOXO...

What did I got for my birthday? A croc boots!! :D (a post-b'day treat actually, lol)

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