Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting Powdered for the Niece...

I guess this week is definitely 'Shop French' week, huh? Or shall I say, magasin français. (Blame Google if my translation is wrong, ahaks!). After my Sonia Rykiel pour H&M 'little' purchase last weekend, I shop at French boutique again - but this time, online @ La Redoute. It's not my first time shopping there, but it's my first time shopping for other people. To my little ones back home - the nieces and nephews.

So, what do I get? This denim jacket in powder pink for my 'lil niece, S. Went I saw it in the website, I was like.. awwwww... And my sis, A, said she like no other color but pink. Even when she took photo of her posing in an indoor garden (with fake flowers, nggg..), she doesn't want to be snapped none other than ... pink flowers. Very girly girl indeed.

This jacket is cute. It got everything a denim jacket would have. Typical denim fabric, the jeans' buttons and even the adjustable 'fit' buttons on the back. The only difference (which made it cute btw), is the size. It's like a honey-I-shrunk-the-kids kinda feel when i put it alongside my own denim jacket from Uniqlo. Still, it's cute. I hope my 'lil niece will totally rocks in it! (so, who's the best uncle in the world now, huh? hehehe...)

Price? A snip at £18. (That's almost the same as my merino wool cardigan!?)

Oh, talking about 'Shop French' (or rather shop for French), I hope the reader of this blog, R, from France would love the drummer boy jacket by River Island that I bought for him a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the extremely late delay though. Hope you rock in it! :)

And to J, thanx for getting the Sonia Rykiel doll. Appreciate it a lot for all the trouble you've gone thru :( (though I manage to get one myself... errkk..)

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