Sunday, February 28, 2010

zaBigLittleSnoop: Shop The Drop @ COS

Aaah... At last, the mercury has risen a bit this weekend. It doesn't really matter if it's raining outside, as long as it's not frickin' freezing cold - my weekend (or simply, any day) would definitely be the best ever. Coz I don't have to worry to wear layers and layers of clothes anymore, which is now become such a sickening thing to do.

Anyway, my quick snoop - a very, very quick one indeed - is at COS. I was so interested to try this new jumper when I saw it on their website last week. Pretty cool. It seems that everyone has been doing dropped neck all the way, huh? From River Island, Topman and even H&M with their version of oversized, dropped neck tee which I tried last week. This one from COS look pretty okay in the pix. And when I saw it in COS @ Regent Street, yes it does look like what in the site. Love the material - wool, making the fit just right. But I didn't try it on coz I hate the color though. Navy blue. Oh, please... you can give me any color except navy blue. Hate that color. If COS made it in other monochrome like black and grey, then there might be a chance I'm bringing one home.

And the price.. £49??! No way, Jose... Another reason not to like it. Btw, I still love the design. :)

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