Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sonia Rykiel Pour H&M

Everybody love designer labels. Especially when the name has been well established through the years. For those who doesn't like designer labels, well... go away. You definitely doesn't belong here. LOL! Anyway, despite of the designer labels, one thing that we always want is the price to go down. Down and low, so that the common people like me can afford to buy one (erm.. but I have many Gucci then. Isn't that affordable enough? Ngggg...). And people like me really welcome the effort by H&M for collaborating with the top names like Jimmy Choo, Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney etc... etc... which brough down the price tag to the masses.

So. Yesterday, Sonia Rykiel collection for H&M has gone into the store for again the second time. As me and probably some blokes out there would love if the collection could bring that quirky chic Rykiel Homme to highstreet, that'll be tremendously great. But it doesn't coz Rykiel did only for the women and girls for the fast fashion house. The good thing is, Rykiel Maison really brought in their famous signature design - the STRIPES!!

There I am on a gorgeous Saturday morning, when the weather is absolute wonderful (it's cool, not cold!), something tells me go to H&M!. Out of nowhere, when I went into the Regent St store, wowsa, the ladies are buzzing around picking things this and that from the rails. One word on the collection: superb. It's amazing how can an expensive designer clothes, with their immaculate style of knitwear and the much-loved and j'adore-d design through the years, could be brought at highstreet price. Isn't it just splendid?

As amazing as the collection, I said to myself, I can't miss this. Though it's not for me to wear it, at least I could get it for my sister. And yes, I did. Out of lots of stripes and gorgeous knitwear, i pick one 'dress' which I think my sister would wear. The oversized jumper, which is featured in the ad campaign. To be honest, I am absolutely jealous coz the material is amazing. Why can't Sonia Rykiel for H&M do for menswear?? It's not fair!! Bring on the Rykiel Homme too, s'il vous plaƮt!

While browing around, I spotted the carrier bag under the shelf. And it's dead cheap @ £1.99! And it's says Mon Sac Rykiel (my Rykiel bag) which is pretty lovely. Probably my nieces would want this I think. So I bought lots of them. And oh, getting this make me feel good too coz it part of giving back for the charity, coz it's for All for Children. So, me - all for my nieces, that's a great cause too, right?!

Getting out of the store after the small purchase, I felt pretty uncomfortable. Why? Coz the carrier bag in powder pink. Very girly. Yikes!! But for the sake of my ladies out there, I'll do anything! Lol!

And of course, I get to keep the hanger. Oh, btw I'm quite disappointed that i couldn't get the Rykiel doll for my cute 'lil niece coz it's sold out damn fast. My sister said my niece love 'fabric doll' so much (more like the Cabbage Patch one), so I think if I get those Rykiel's then mother and daughter would probably do a 'Rykiel theme' then. Ahaks!!

Another disappointment (more of a hope actually): where's Rykiel for men???

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