Tuesday, May 12, 2009

iBlock: Lego USB Memory Stick?

Anyone who grew up without having any building block toys should be ashamed. Mine is LEGO, got from my sister when she brought back from the States. just love them. And that's how I get my creative juices flowing (I guess!). And it's still there, passed on from me to my next gen - my lovely nephews and nieces. And they got their creative juices flowing too. LOL!

And talking about building blocks, I just love these thingy! The LEGO-look USB memory stick - called iBlock. Or shall I say memory block instead? Taking inspirations from the infamous toy, this fun and funky novelty USB memory drive can fills up to 2Gb of storage. Not bad for a tiny stuff, eh? Not just a novelty, it features the latest in flashdrive technology with high speed USB 2.0 transfer and Windows Readyboost enhancement compatibility.

The pack comes complete with a choice of interchangeable coloured blocks so that you can mix and match to customise your iBlock USB Stick. You surely turn some heads when u carry them in the boardroom. Or buy it loads, so that u can also start building some house should you become bored! :D

Get it cheap @ Play.com...

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