Monday, February 15, 2010

Color Me Slim

"You body looks fit. Do you go to the gym?"

Someone behind the counter asked me, when I was waiting for my food at the Malaysian restaurant recently. Maybe because I wore my distressed denim shirt from River Island which is really slim and flatters my figure. I know someday, somehow... someone gonna say something to me when i wear it. And the day has finally arrived. Instead of getting succummbed into that flattery, I said to the person, "It's not the gym, it's the gene!" Well, yeah... it's true coz all my siblings are slim. Or skinny, whichever way you wanna call it. Gym? Err... dunno what is that?! Lol!

So, slim jeans is definitely for those with slim genes. If you're fat (sorry!) don't bother wear it, or you'll look like a bloody jackfruit wrapped in the plastic wrapper! Hideous. Mentiniong slim jeans, colored denim gonna be hit again this spring/summer as usual. The one at ASOS look quite good in various colors on offer, like red, yellow, blue, teal and violet. Quite affordable given that it costs only 30 quid. From the pixs, the fit looks awesome, though it inclined to look more skinny to me. But, whatever it is - you'll definitely rock in those!

If you want something cheaper, Uniqlo always got the same version at less than £25. (Students get another 10% off). One thing to be dare wearing slim or skinny jeans, your bulge would definitely be 'out there'. Ahaks! So, for those who're chicken, don't wear it if you're not a brave soul. :D

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