Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jimmy Choo @ H&M: The Rampage!

Wow. It's already been a month since the Jimmy Choo for H&M event took place in most part of the world. If some of you happen to read this blog, well, you care enough to know how I've been sneaking around their store at Oxford Circus and Regent St prior 14th November kicks in to see those people queueing outside to get their hands on the stuff. Or read what I've gone thru on the day itself - by lining up among 400+ others outside H&M Oxford Circus store in the early morning, braving the cold, rain and wind just to snap those one-off collection by the uber brand.

After a month and many, many times wearing the shoes and the bags; boy, I can admit how happy I am with all those stuff that I bought from JC4H&M. Money well spent. Though sometimes I just wish there're still some more grey suede boots left for my size, just for me to get another substitute. Coz wearing one in the super undescribable, unpredicatable, unforviging weather of London (and that I mean, rain!), suede are truly a high maintenance one. But thank God, for most time I wore those suedes, the sun is shining bright. ;)

So. For some of you wanna catch a glimpse of what's really happening on that 14th Nov, these are some snaps. It's really, really fun to be in those crowds, queueing during that day. that's what it's all about. You've gotta be in the moment to experience all the fun. Especially to push and be pushed, to grab and be grabbed (the bags I mean, no naughty thoughts and being in the shoppers scrum - I just love it!

H&M Regent Street store

that girl on the right looks like Mariah Carey!

[i took these pix from somewhere else.
if it happens to be yours, let me know. i don't wanna get sued :D

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