Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winter Sale: Day 4

So you think I can stop shopping? No way. Ahaks!

Day 4 Winter Sale.

After the previous three days in and out of some stores, I still found there some I havne't gone to. Oh, it's Westfield. How can I missed that out? So, there I am, not contempt to be missing out bargains at the biggest shopping mall in London, I head west to Westfield in a drenchy rain.

The first thing in mind? No Name, coz I've been wanting to get some pieces I'm lusting before. Thank God, they are having Winter Sale too though not all items are on discount. Yet, i managed to try on the jumper which is very cool and fits very awesomely. (which is later going back home with me :D)

Next stop. COS. I love COS - coz their clothes are very simple yet edgy. Chic without ever need to try very hard. And their shirts are one of the best. The fabric is great and the cut is awesome too. While I was finding some things on Sale, I pulled this new cardi in mesh wool. Pretty nice. Different like no other cardi that I found. Love it. Still, it's quite pricey (given that I've bought a lot of stuff already, lol!). Yet i think pairing it with some nude color underneath will bring the sex appeal to this cardi. Bet I have to have it in my next visit.

Items on sale. One of it is this wool jacket. I love the fit so much, but not pretty crazy about the length. A tad too long under the bum, which is not that cool. But the material. Mwah. Love it. Very luxe yet with a price that i can afford.

But the one that I really love is this waistcoat. Why do I like it? It's monotonal - with all the same color of wool mix fabric front to back. Not like most at highstreet where you always find different material used on back and front. Plus, the neckline is slightly low which is much edgier. The fit? SUPERB! I've got to scour hard on the rails to find a size smaller coz waistcoat is always about the fit under the arm/chest. And good news: I got it! And it's mine at half price. :)

So. That's it for now. Have to take a break for a while otherwise I'll go broke. With massive sale still lurking around London (and luring you to it too), I've gotta curb this temptation. But for how long? That's a big question for me to answer. :D

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