Friday, December 11, 2009

You Can Take Me Out of London...

Every two days a week I gotta chance to be doing my project outside my college in central London. In the previous weeks, I've been going to other uni which is located by the River Thames, near Somerset House. Going there twice a week is kind of joy to me, especially when I realise that I am in London. Coz on my way there I always see Big Ben and London Eye. Ahhh.. what a feeling.

But this week, my project took me far away. Far from hustle and bustle life of London, going all the way north to the Midlands. To another uni located somewhere in Sutton-Bonnington. Sutton-Bonnington? At first I was like... where's that? Well, it's actually located in between Loughborough and Nottingham, kinda gateway to the East Midlands Airport too. What am I doing there? Hmm... I dunno. But you gotta do what you gotta do, no matter what and where it takes you. Just like being in fashion, right?

Anyway, the travel itself is a sheer pain - started the day at 5.30 am and coming back at 10.30 at nite. Not that I don't like taking trains for just one and half hour away, but the fact that I am out of London. On Thursday. Where it is stamped all over that it's the shopping-evening day. To make things worse, on the way back the train is delayed; making the journey f o r e v e r l o n g!

How's Sutton-Bonnington? It's kinda quite and dark at night. Nothing going on around (suit for those who wanna retire!). And to me that's spooky coz I can't live without the busy things going around. But despite that, the people are very nice. The kind of people that you seldom find here in London. :( And I love the new train station too. Very cool, with the modern architecture. Kinda complement the h u g e old cooling tower by it.

Anyway, some pix I took just to kill the time while waiting to catch the train home...

Some brochures on travelling around British Midlands

Shopping @ Leicester? Hmmm... gotta check that in future. :)

Where's my train?

You can take me out of London, but you can never take London out of me. Who say you've gotta sacrifice your great style when travelling?

My Jimmy Choo suede bag. L o v e it!

My over-utilized Gucci boots.
Thank God it's a clear day, otherwise it's gonna be cruel to the sole!

After 17 hours of long day, I'm glad to touch down in London.

The glorious St Pancras station.
Now, where's platform 9 3/4.. oh, sorry that's King's Cross

Ice sculpture @ St Pancras

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