Tuesday, December 8, 2009

All the Single Lads! (Put a Ring On It)

All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads
All the single lads, all the single lads...

....Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that she want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

Oh, oh, oh...

Sorry B, I think I have to rework your lyrics for the sake of us, the single guys out here in the market. Lol! But when you said ring, which ring then? Well, if you are me, I'll definitely choose this one by Louis Vuitton Champs-Elysées collection. Damn, it's gorgeous. Simple but chic. They said the rings are inspired by the metal walls of Louis Vuitton's Champs-Elysées store. Hmm... why didn't I realized it during my last visit to Paris before?

Ooohh. Btw, I love that one in black lacquer with laser-engraved Monogram flowers. Droool.. As my Italian friend said - la voglio, la voglio, la voglio!!

And, guys... please don't wear leotard when you sing that Beyonce song. Otherwise, yikes! :D

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