Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Highstreet Vs. High End: Patent Dress Shoes

I recently has switched my attention from having too many lace-up shoes into getting more loafers. Why? Coz lace-ups are prone to accident since the lace tend to get untied whenever I'm getting too excited walking. Loafers or moccassins on the other hand is pretty simple - just slip on and you're ready to go. The best loafers for me, I think, is definitely Gucci. So handsomely mould to my feet as if they're matched made in heaven (okay, okay.. I know I love Gucci) :)

My Gucci tortoise shell tassle loafers

Anyway, trying to get away from being too one-brand oriented I found some other loafers that's equally awesome. It's from Yves Saint Laurent. Patent leather loafer with the strap which I really adore. Or shall I say, j'adore? What i love about it is the no-fuss horizontal strap drapes all the way through making it look super chic. Simple but elegent.

But if the price tag is way too much for me (it's almost $600!), I think the one by Asos really look like a spitting image of the uber brand. Agree? The pointy toe is what I always and always j'adore too. Costing just a mere one tenth of YSL (at £35), I think this one is really gentle to my wallet. :)

YSL patent leather loafer

Asos patent leather loafer

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